
Philipp Heindl
B: 1928-07-04
D: 2015-04-22
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Heindl, Philipp


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Canada Pension Death Benefits



Anyone who has worked in Canada since 1966, for a period of 10 years or more and is currently working or has retired, is entitled to receive the death benefit. This benefit is a one-time lump sum payment of up to $2500.00 payable to the person financially responsible for the funeral costs. The amount of the benefit will depend on how much and how long the deceased has paid into the Canada Pension Plan. If the funeral is prepaid, the benefit will be made payable to the deceased’s estate. If Ontario Works will be covering the funeral expenses, no benefit will be available.


The Document can be found by clicking here.




As well as the death benefit, a monthly pension may be available for the surviving spouse and/or “dependent” children under the age of 18 or between the ages of 18-25 providing the children are in school and still “dependent” on the deceased. For more information on these death benefits or to find out how much you will qualify for, contact Service Canada directly at 1-800-277-9914.


The Survivor's Benefit and Children's Benefit can be found by clicking here.


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